
Programmed is a leading provider of staffing, operations, and maintenance services — for jobs big and small — across Australasia.

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Looking for work? | Kei te rapu mahi?

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Looking for people? | Kei te rapu tangata?

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We are a leading provider of managed skilled workforces, recruitment and maintenance services in Australasia.

Whether you need an entire workforce, casual or fixed-term skilled staff, or want a professional or executive to permanently join your team, Programmed’s got you covered. We’ll provide the right person for the right job. And our focus on safety and delivery excellence means you can count on us to do the right thing by our people, customers and communities.

Staffing Services
Staffing Services
Programmed Skilled Workforce is New Zealand’s leading provider of managed labour, staffing, recruitment and training services.
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Professionals, Management and Executive
Professionals, Management and Executive
PERSOLKELLY is one of APAC’s leading staffing and recruitment providers, with a depth and breadth of expertise across diverse industries.
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