News & Insights | From classroom to career, what is the key to success?

From classroom to career, what is the key to success?

16 October 2018

One of the biggest steps we take in our lives is leaving the safety of the classroom and entering the big wild world of the workplace. Everyone takes different paths to get there, but whatever path is taken, making the move from classroom to career is still one of the toughest times we go through as we enter adulthood.

Young people face a number of challenges when transitioning from school to the workplace. The Smith Family’s report ‘Young people’s successful transition to work’ highlighted adapting and diversifying their strategies for job searching and labour market entry in line with the changing nature of the employment market, as one of these key challenges.

This can be attributed to the narrowing of entry-level opportunities available to young people in some industries that may have been previously easier to get a foot in the door without certain skills or knowledge. However, there are now a number of different ways to gain work experience and skills in the industry that they may want to pursue.

What leads to a successful transition from school to adulthood?

Since early 2000, there have been many studies associated with student’s post-school success, where many indicate that unpaid and paid work experiences are by far the most important practice associated with seamless transition outcomes.

To become competent in today’s society, as well as a valued member of the workforce, your people must receive the right education and training, have a plan in place for ongoing self-improvement, be persistent in pursuing their employment goals, but while also having a strong support structure in place to see them through.

That’s where Programmed comes in. We emphasise skills and competencies related to employment through our traineeships and apprenticeships to help achieve that seamless transition into the workplace.

Programmed apprentices and trainees receive on-the-job training towards a nationally recognised qualification with one of our many customers, working in industries such as telecommunications, engineering, mining, manufacturing and many more.

Most importantly, all of our apprentices and trainees are supported by a dedicated Field Officer who provide ongoing coaching, mentoring and support throughout the duration of their training. This support includes monitoring both on and off the job progress so that we can keep an eye on how our young apprentices and trainees are tracking as they start to earn a living for themselves.

Over the past decade, we have employed more than 8,500 apprentices and trainees, assisting each person to become qualified for their desired career. We are exceptionally proud of all our apprentices and trainees and have seen many go on to win accolades at state training awards.

Are you finishing school and not sure what career to pursue? Contact Programmed’s Training Services team today to see what opportunities are available to you.

Programmed is both a Group Training Organisation (GTO) and Registered Training Organisation (RTO 110043) assisting customers of all sizes in upskilling their workforce through technical and vocational skills training, including short course, certificates, traineeships and apprenticeships.

For training and apprenticeship opportunities with Programmed, search and apply for other positions here.

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